Inhaled air has 0,03% carbon dioxide but exhaled air has 4,1% carbon dioxide. Account for the above difference in the amount of carbon dioxide. Please help.​

Inhaled air has 003 carbon dioxide but exhaled air has 41 carbon dioxide Account for the above difference in the amount of carbon dioxide Please help class=

Respuesta :


C02 is produced in the body.


Every tissue in the body utilize oxygen for its metabolic activities and excrete carbondioxide.Every tissue is supplied by blood. Blood transports oxygen from heart to the tissues used for metabolic activity.Tissue produces carbondioxide as a result of metabolism.Blood transports back carbondioxide from tissues to lungs to expel it out from the body. Inside the lungs, CO2 from blood vessels diffuse into lung tissue (simple diffusion) and then lungs exhale it. That'why there is additional percentage of carbondioxide in the exhaled air.

I hope it helps.