What is an adverb?
Adverbs are to verbs as adjectives are to nouns. Adjectives describe a noun, therefore adverbs describe the verb.
Many times adverbs end with the suffix -ly
Adverbs can help convey
Here is a question you can ask yourself to help you identify the adverb:
What is the verb (action word) and how, in what way, when, and/or where is the verb being conducted?
Ella walked slowly to the car.
Verb = walked
How did Ella walk?
Giving Sentence:
The engineers carefully secured the dynamite in the abandoned building and moved far away.
Identify the verbs:
The engineers carefully secured the dynamite in the abandoned building and moved far away.
How did the engineers secure the dynamite?
The engineers carefully secured the dynamite in the abandoned building and moved far away.
Where did the engineers move?
The engineers carefully secured the dynamite in the abandoned building and moved far away.
This verb has two adverbs attached to it. The engineers moved both far and away