
Is this the right answer? If not please add what needs to be added


Imagine that you are given the opportunity to create your own TV channel and select the programming that appears on your channel. write a TV listing page from a television guide in which you name and describe the programs you would show, including the type of programs that they are, what they are about, and a critic's opinion of each one. use as many Spanish vocabulary words and phrases as possible in your TV listing.

My answer:

El programa de juegos: un programa de televisión sobre deportes como el fútbol y el fútbol.

El programa educativo: Un programa de televisión sobre diferentes animales como las aves.

Comedia: un programa de televisión sobre la comedia.

El programa de terror: un programa de televisión sobre películas y espectáculos de terror.

Respuesta :


All of them are correct expect the first one. It should be: El programa de juegos y deportes: un programa de television sobre deporte como el futbol y el futbol americano.


All of them correct I think , I’m not so good at Spanish , All the answers seem to be legit .