Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a character's thoughts, words, or actions).

Respuesta :

Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a character’s  thoughts, words, or actions).

What is a narrative? A narrative is a story. What are elements? Elements are parts of a whole, so narrative elemnts are just story parts. The main narrative elements are:

Characters are what the people or animals a story is about.

Setting is the time and place in which a story takes place.

The plot tells the events that happen in a story.  Often a plot  includes a problem (conflict)  and a solution (resolution).

Narrative Text:

Broadly defined, narrative text tells a story. It is found in the form of short stories, folktales, tall tales, myths, fables, legends, fantasies, science fiction — even in the reporting of news stories or in biographies and autobiographies. The narrative structure most often features a beginning, middle, and an ending. It most often also features clear story elements, or story grammar, including:

1. characters

2. settings

3. themes

4. a central problem, or conflict

5. a sequence of events that form a story line, or plot

6. a resolution to the conflict