Answer: C. settlement of New Zealand and Hawaii
The proto-Polynesians were adventurous people with highly developed navigational skills. They perfected their maritime and craft techniques through successive generations that went from island to island, starting from Taiwan through the Philippine and Indonesian archipelagos in the west to the Marianas, finally dispersing in the Pacific Ocean. They colonized previously uninhabited islands, making long canoe trips, in some cases against prevailing winds and tides. Sun and star-oriented Polynesian navigators and careful observations of cloud reflections and bird flight patterns were able to determine the existence and location of the islands. The name given to a star or constellation taken as a mark to guide was kaweinga. The discovery of new islands and groups of islands was made through small villages called vanua or "banwa" that sailed in large single-hull and double-hull canoes. Archaeological evidence indicates that by 1280 AD, these travelers had colonized the vast Polynesian triangle with its northernmost corner in Hawaii, the eastern corner at Rapa Nui (Easter Island), and finally the southern corner of New Zealand