Question 2
Next, you’ll engage in a series of interviews. Find two or three people to interview. They can be your friends or family members—people who know you well. You’ll ask them a set of questions that are similar to the ones you answered yourself. The questions will be about you and your study goals.

Begin by telling the person you’re interviewing why you are conducting the interview. Its purpose is to give you additional perspective on yourself as a student. You’ll add the information gained to your own self-reflections and use it to plan your future goals. Inform the people you interview that you will ask them a series of questions about self-reflection and planning and achieving your goals.

After you finish the interviews, you’ll integrate your self-reflection and the thoughts of those you interviewed and write an essay. Feel free to share the interview questions and the essay task with the people you interview to give them a better idea of what type of information you’re seeking. (See task 2 for details about the essay.)

To document the interview, use a tape recorder or recording software on your computer. If these devices aren’t available, be prepared to take detailed and specific notes.

Following are some interview questions and a prompt to formulate questions of your own. For each question, note the response you receive during the interview. Feel free to ask any follow-up questions you think are necessary.

Part A
What is one strength and one weakness you see in my academic habits?

Part G
Here you’ll create two questions focused on your personal goals to pose to the people you interview. Include the questions along with the responses from your interviews below.

Question 3
Now compare the responses of the people you interviewed to your self-reflection. Write two to three paragraphs that answer these questions:

How did the answers from the people you interviewed align with your personal goals and answers?
What were the differences between your answers and their answers?
What do you think of their answers?

Respuesta :


Panel interviews – How to handle an interview with more than one...

  1. Make sure you know who is going to be in the room. ...
  2. Preparation even more important with multiple people asking you questions. ...
  3. Address the person who asked the question, but don't ignore the others. ...
  4. Create a conversational atmosphere.
  5. Explanation:

The Panel Interview. Panel interviews are the same as individual, face-to-face interviews, but with two or more interviewers in the room.

Great Answer, he deserves brainliest