Can somebody proof read my work?
Will give brainliest :)
(100 points cuz why not)

I think it perfect since it well explained and given reasons :)
under case proposal
change totally to completely
find another word for punish if you use it 2x
"I feel ive learned from my mistakes, and I'm asking for my phone back."
would work better, don't demand it back.
get rid of the :), since this is schoolwork.
Second image
Here is some proof ive learned from my mistakes, Ive been more responsible with my phone, and not begged for it, ive done daily chores without reminders. Ive been focusing on my studies and improving my grades, and on the recent report card, I have all A's and B's Ive been improving my grades by taking notes, studying more often, and asking questions. On the newest test, I got an A, due to the fact I studied the two days before the test. Ive been using manners, being kind, and not talking back even when ive thought of it, I'm truly trying and I hope you consider giving me my phone back.