
Read the student-writing samples and answer the question below. STUDENT 1:"It was big and not too far off the ground. It looked like a circle of lights just hanging there. We couldn't hear anything except a quiet motor. It didn't move at all."

STUDENT 2: "We all stared, trying to get our minds around the glittering, pulsing circle hovering over the field. The Hubble telescope has captured many amazing images from outer space. The field was mostly wild grass, with the occasional tree here and there. It was wintertime and I remember feeling cold. The object seemed to be perfectly still and eerily quiet."

STUDENT 3: "There was a UFO hovering right there over the field. Hayley had her hair braided. The night was chilly so when we all got out of the car to take a closer look we felt cold. We had grabbed some burgers earlier. We were all really close friends."

STUDENT 4: "Hayley was the first one out of the car. We all followed, staring open-mouthed at the hovering circle of lights above the grassy field. The only sound was a quiet humming like an air-conditioner. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. A UFO. Wow. I shivered, either from the cool night air or the incredible sight before me, or both." How can Student 2's paragraph be condensed?

A. Add dialogue. B. Omit the second sentence. C. Eliminate "glittering, pulsing." D. Add descriptive details.