Respuesta :
Select Fiji.
Press Enter to get started.
At the Fiji> prompt, type enable and press Enter.
At the Fiji# prompt, type config t and press Enter.
At the Fiji(config)# prompt, type interface fa0/0 and press Enter.
At the Fiji(config-if)# prompt, type ip nat inside and press Enter.
At the Fiji(config-if)# prompt, type interface fa0/1 and press Enter.
At the Fiji(config-if)# prompt, type ip nat inside and press Enter.
At the Fiji(config-if)# prompt, type interface s0/0/0 and press Enter.
At the Fiji(config-if)# prompt, type ip nat outside and press Enter.
At the Fiji(config-if)# prompt, type access-list 50 permit and press Enter.
At the Fiji(config)# prompt, type access-list 50 permit and press Enter.
At the Fiji(config)# prompt, type ip nat pool my_addrs netmask and press Enter.
At the Fiji(config)# prompt, type ip nat inside source list 50 pool my_addrs overload and press Enter.
Press Ctrl + Z.
At the Fiji# prompt, type copy run start and press Enter.
Press Enter to begin building the configuration.