Once _____________
occurs, the ________
releases an __________
into the _______________________
where it is swept up by the ______________
into the _____________,
which is also known as the ________________.
It is there where a ___________
can _____________ the egg.
The ________________
continues to travel to reach the ______________
where it will ________________
itself into the _________________.
At 8 weeks, it is now called a _____________
which has an _______________
to protect it from injury and regulate body temperature. Inside of that is ________________
which allows the baby to move around. At about 40 weeks, the mother will go into _____________
which is when she starts having _________________.
After the ____________
dilates to about 10 centimeters, the baby is now pushed into the _________________.
The ___________________
is still attached to the __________ and must be cut.

i have no idea what to put-