1. Fill in the T-chart with the arguments of hawks and doves about the Vietnam War
(highlight, and drag the statement to the correct side.)
• The collapse of Vietnam would strengthen communism.
The US would lose if it entered the war.

Focusing on the war would draw attention away from LBJ's Great Society.
LBJ could lose domestic support if he wasn't hard on communism.
China or the Soviet Union might enter the war if the US did.

Appeasement had helped lead to World War II.
Place the following events in the proper order on a timeline (the timeline can be in
any format you wish--including a separate Slides presentation.
For each event, include

The Date of the event,
A brief description

1 Fill in the Tchart with the arguments of hawks and doves about the Vietnam War highlight and drag the statement to the correct side hawks doves The collapse class=