Respuesta :


The outcome would be "yes".


numA = 2

numB = 3

if numA == 2 or numB == 2:


elif numA == 2 and numB == 3:


numA = 2

This line of code declares the variable numA and gives it a value of 2

numB = 3

This line of code declares the variable numB and gives it a value of 3

if numA == 2 or numB == 2:

This part activate the next line of code only if the statement (numA == 2 or numB == 2) is True


   This code prints out "yes" in the terminal.

elif numA == 2 and numB == 3:

This line of code is similar to the ifstatement above. The code below activates only if the statement (numA == 2 and numB == 3) is True and the previous ifstatement wasn't True.


   This code prints out "no" in the terminal.