There are 5 steps of the scientific method:
1. Make an observation.
2. Form a question.
3. Form a hypothesis.
4. Conduct and experiment.
5. Analyze data and draw a conclusion.
Based off this problem:
1. It doesn't specifically say that an observation was made but since it says she's studying it, it may count as an observation???
2. No question is asked because it doesn't say that she is wanting to know what the effects are of sleep deprivation for twelfth graders during midterms.
3. There is no hypothesis stated because she is not making a prediction on the outcome.
4. I suppose the data collected that she turned in was the experiment so I'm pretty sure she did conduct the experiment.
5. She just turned in her data but no analysis or conclusion is said to be made.
Without further ado, it seems that three steps were actually left out but if I had to choose, I believe that steps 3 and 5 were left out but I may be wrong. Sorry I couldn't provide a direct answer but I hope my thought process is helpful.