
(help please.) Daniel reads about the survival and reproductive strategies of animals. He is surprised at the complexity of behaviors different kinds of animals practice. He is especially interested in the musk ox.

A group of musk oxen protects their young by forming a circle around them. The adult oxen stand with their heads outward to face an enemy. The young remain protected within the circle.

Choose the correct words to finish the sentence.

This is an example of a (migratory behavior, fertilization strategy, cooperative behavior, or herd instinct?) in which the musk oxen help protect the (habitat, offspring, food, or mates?) of the other group members.

Respuesta :


1(This would become herd instinct

2(The musk oxen protect their pack when they have a distinctive defensive behavior:


I would say cooperative behavior because the most basic herd instinct here would be to flee from the danger. Cooperative behavior is two or more individuals working towards a common goal. There is also mutual benefit. The common goal is keeping the offspring safe and the mutual benefit is the young survives and the genes of the adult musk ox are passed on to future generations.