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Instances of bullying have increased dramatically in recent years and are often accompanied by cyberharassment and cyberstalking. Although states are beginning to respond to the crisis by working with schools and local law enforcement to reduce instances of bullying, at present there is no federal bullying statute, and few states have been able to craft legislation that appropriately defines bullying in a manner that is easily understood by courts and juries.

Write an essay of no fewer than 250-words that describes the problem of bullying, identifies four or five common traits of bullying, and proposes language for a new law that makes bullying a felony offense.

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Republic Act 10627, or the Anti-Bullying Act (the “Act”), This law finds applicability in school-related bullying, student-student bullying in particular, which covers those uttered on social media. In the Philippines, Republic Act 10627, otherwise known as the “Anti-Bullying Act of 2013,” was enacted to address the growing incidence of bullying inside school premises, locations adjacent to the school, in school-related or -sponsored activities, and by means of technology or any electronic means (Section 5(1), In May of 1999, the state of Georgia enacted the first anti-bullying legislation. Eventually, all states followed suit. The state of California was the first state to enact legislation against cyber-bullying, which is the act of persistent psychological abuse by one's peers over the internet.