Answer: 20
That would be the sum of 3, 6 and 11.
numA = 0
This step creates a variable called num A with the value of zero.
for count in range(3):
This step repeats our following 3 lines of code 3 times.
answer = input ("Enter a number: ")
This line of code creates and sets the variable "answer" to the
value of what the user enters.
fltAnswer = float(answer)
This step converts our prevous user input which was a string into a
float. This is were the code screams if you were to enter a character
instead of a number.
numA = numA + fltAnswer
This step adds the user input to the variable numA.
Or more correct:
This step sets the variable numA to its previous value plus the user
print (numA)
This step prints out numA. This line is also outside of the loop and
will only activate once when the loop ends.