Your company name must include the correct corporate or LLC identifier:
Corporations: "Corporation", "Incorporated" or an abbreviation.
LLC’s: "Limited Liability Company" or an abbreviation.
Name Restrictions: "bank," "banker," "bankers," "banking," "trust company," "insurance," "trust," LLC’s cannot include:"corporation," "incorporated," "partnership," "limited partnership," or any combination or abbreviation thereof, or any words or abbreviations of similar import.
2. File the correct paperwork with the State’s filing office.For Corporations you must file "Articles of Incorporation", for LLC’s you must file "Articles of Organization".
3. Hold the "Organizational Meeting" and adopt the company’s Bylaws (Corporations) or Operating Agreement (LLC’s).4. Obtain a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) for your company and open a company bank account.5. Get a local business license from the city (or county) where you will be doing business.