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Sample Answer for The Hobbit
There is tension in the second section of the novel as the Bilbo and his group are chased by the Wargs. To escape the Wargs, they climb the trees. Bilbo finds it difficult to climb and narrowly escapes the wolves with the help of Dori the dwarf. Gandalf begins throwing fire at the wolves, but they still do not leave. Soon the goblins arrive. They're not afraid of the fire and use it to try and get Bilbo, the dwarves, and Gandalf out of the trees. This action creates suspense around the fate of Bilbo's group.
Sample Answer for The Old Man and the Sea
There is tension in the second section of the novel as the old man manages to hook a big fish but not reel it in. The fish is so large that it is pulling the skiff along. The old man is holding on and hopes that the fish will eventually tire so that he can reel it in. However, the old man is unsure of whether he'll be able to rope the fish on his own. This uncertainty creates suspense and tension in the story.
Sample Answer for A Wrinkle in Time
In the second section of the novel, Meg and the boys spot the CENTRAL Central Intelligence building. They plan on going in to find Meg and Charles's missing father. They see people around them walking like robots outside the building. Charles is worried that he will not be able to recognize his father even if he sees him. Calvin has a horrible feeling about walking into the CENTRAL Central Intelligence building and lets the others know it. This causes some suspense in the story because all of the characters are unsure of what they will face. There is no certainty of what the group will find inside the building.
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