Each of the historical periods has outstanding events that differentiate it from other historical periods. For example, modernity begins when America is discovered in 1492.
What is a historical period?
A historical period is a term that refers to a type of historical temporal classification made up of a series of events that are related to each other.
In human history we have had different historical periods such as:
The Renaissance
The french revolution
The American revolution
The Protestant Reforms
Each of them had specific events that differentiated it from other periods, for example the Renaissance is characterized by the abandonment of the Catholic-Christian religion to implement anthropocentrism.
The French Revolution marked the end of the monarchy in France after King Louis XVI was ousted from office and sentenced to death.
The American Revolution marks the beginning of the United States as an independent nation and the expulsion of the British from North American territory.
The Protestant reforms changed the way of seeing and interpreting religion during the Middle Ages causing internal divisions in the Christian religion.