
Using the excerpts from the Story of My Life by Helen Keller and Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, compare and contrast the themes presented by the authors. Using the excerpts from the Story of My Life by Helen Keller and Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, compare and contrast the themes presented by the authors.

Using the excerpts from the Story of My Life by Helen Keller and Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass compare and contrast the themes presented by the au class=

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Answer: There are some similarities to the central idea in the passages.  Both narrators want to learn.  Both narrators faced hard times, but still managed to overcome their obstacles.  Helen and Frederick learned even though it was a task that was very hard to accomplish.  There are also some differences to the central idea in the passages.  Helen Keller is blind and deaf and Frederick Douglass is a slave.  Helen is being encouraged to learn while Frederick is being discouraged to learn to read.  Frederick always wanted to learn to read and write while Helen had a brief time where she didn’t want to learn.  Helen had one teacher who worked with her every day.  Frederick had many teachers.  He started learning from his mistress and when she stopped, Frederick went out and learned from anyone he could find who was willing to teach him.  Helen learned by having the words traced in her hands.  Frederick learned to read by starting with the sounds of the alphabet
