Sc. 1, Lines 120–138: Concentrate on the shifting meanings of the words Hamlet and the Gravedigger use. Analyze the play on lie in lines 124–131 and the play on man and woman in lines 132–138. How might wordplay here and elsewhere in Hamlet relate to the play’s themes?

Respuesta :

The exercise requires you to analyze the play on lines, 120-138  of Hamlet and the Gravedigger. See details below.

How do you analyze a play?

To analyze a play, first, you need to read it thoroughly. Thereafter,

  • Highlight the names of the characters
  • In this particular case, take note of the words being spoken by the characters.
  • Identify the theme of the play; then
  • Justify how the words spoken by the characters in the sections highlighted help to contribute to the play.

learn more about analyzing plays at:

Learn more about themes at: