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For 3:
A) 80 m
B) 2 min
C) From time t=6 min to t=8 min; the slope is the steepest here
D) 50 m/min
For 2:
C) 6,000 ft; the skydiver is 6,000 ft above ground at time t=0
D) The slope is negative, so the skydiver is descending. I cannot read the numbers well enough to determine the value of the slope.
E) 4 min(?)
F) y = 6,000 -(slope)*x
Step-by-step explanation:
As I cannot read some of the numbers, I will explain how to find the slope to you. Pick 2 points on the line. Use (y-y)/(x-x), where y is the height and x is the time.