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Here Are 3 Pros And Cons For Violent Video Games:


1. Avenue for Expression
They enable gamers to express or vent out their frustrations and anger in a relatively safe and controlled environment.

2. Age-Defying
Since violent scenarios induce pumping of adrenaline and quick decision-making, exposure to violent video games may delay the ageing process.

3. Teach Action-Consequence
The games teach the players about adhering to the rules and the learning the consequences of each action, particularly violence begets violence.


1. Violence is Fun
Violent video games make hurting and killing people entertaining. This notion that violence is fun can cause gamers to imitate the game just for fun.

2. Cause Addiction
Violent video games tend to be very addictive, eating up much of the time and attention of gamers, and causing unhealthy lifestyles.

3. Immersion into Violent Character
Advance game controllers and peripherals require players to engage more physically with the game, a form of immersion into the violent characters in the video game.