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The executive branch of the U.S. government is responsible for enforcing laws; its power is vested in the President. The President acts as both the head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Independent federal agencies are tasked with enforcing the laws enacted by Congress.


The executive branch of the U.S government carries out the laws


In the constitution of the U.S, the federal government is divided into three branches in order to share power in a unified way. Those three branches are: legislative, executive and judicial. Let`s see them in detail!

Legislative: It is in charge of making the laws. This branch includes the congress (the congress and house of representatives). U.S citizens have the right to vote for senators and representatives. 

Executive: it enforces and implements the laws. it means that this branch makes the laws become something "real". This branch is mainly compound by the president of the nation,  the vice-president, the cabinet and executive departments. 

 * The president of the nation: Leads the country and he or she is the head of the state, he or she serves for four years. 

* vice-president: He or she supports the president`s decisions. The vice-president can become the president if the president is unable to lead the country. 

* The cabinet: this is a group of people that serve as advisors for the president. they are nominated b the president. 

Judicial: it applies the laws. It is mainly made up of the supreme court and federal courts.  The supreme court is situated in Washington D.C. and it is responsible for deciding if the laws violate the constitution