
Write an objective of the activity corresponding to each of the given figures​

Write an objective of the activity corresponding to each of the given figures class=

Respuesta :

A) A ball hit by a rod

  • ⋆⇢To change its position

B) A surface marked by a nail

  • ⋆⇢Leaves a mark on the surface for further use

C) A rock getting down into pieces by a hammer

  • ⋆⇢To get smaller pieces of rock for various purposes

D) An electric circuit with a metal piece

  • ⋆⇢The current will flow through it as metal is a good conductor of electricity

E) An electric circuit with a wooden piece

  • ⋆⇢Wood doesn't conduct electricity hence ,no flow of electric current

F) A wooden and a metal rod being lighted upon a burning candle

  • ⋆⇢The metal rod will turn into red colour while the wooden one will start burning after some times