Which statement best summarizes the interplay between individualism and Christianity?
a. The greatest danger to faith was following traditional teachings of the Church without understanding the world.

b. The hope of faith was following traditional teachings of the Church while living life in the world.

c. Faith and the traditional teachings of the Church are synonymous and cannot be separated.

d. The greatest danger to faith was following traditional teachings of the Church without understanding the teachings of Christ Himself.

Respuesta :

The correct option is B. It expresses the best interplay between the regular faith of a christian person and the kind of life of a person who is individualistic. That person will look only to believe in christ but living a life in the world by himself

The correct answer , as the comment above said, is B. I want to add something:

Some people think that morality is a question of how we treat others, so when a person does something for himself or herself, it doesn't count as an act of morality.

Most Christian writers of the Middle Ages were unbashed about the individual reward of the afterlife. But many years later, Christianity brought a major innovation emphasizing that a person should do what it is needed to save his/her own soul. Jesus was clear when he said he came to save individuals.