
Why did Japan conquer other countries and territories in the late 1930s?
A. It wanted access to resources and materials.
B. It believed other countries should become democracies, too.
C. It wanted a stepping-off point for invading the United States.

Please also tell me how sure you think you are.

Respuesta :

A. It wanted access to resources and materials.

I am very sure on this subject just a couple of months ago I wrote a 10 page report on Japan in World War 2. Especially on the Pearl Harbor attacks.

The correct answer is A. Japan conquered other countries and territories in the late 1930s, because it wanted access to resources and materials.

Due to the lack of resources on the islands of Japan, in order to maintain a strong industrial sector with high economic growth, raw materials such as iron, oil and coal had largely been imported despite the fact that the country had a small part of these. Great part of these materials arrived from the United States. Thus, by the scheme of industrial military development and industrial growth, the prevailing mercantilist theories, made the colonies essential. These were necessary to compete with the European powers. Taiwan (1895) and Korea (1905) were soon annexed as agricultural colonies. In addition, iron and coal from Manchuria, Indochina's gum and China's vast resources were the main targets for Japanese industry.