
These days it seems like almost everyone wants to be greener. A new generation of shoppers wants

to do its regular shopping but be less wasteful. If possible, these people also want to shop in a way

that might help the environment or at least not harm it.

2 Companies are getting in on the green revolution, too. They can usually charge more for green

products—sometimes double the price or more. It benefits them if they can say what they’re selling

is “green.” But should you always believe it? Just because a company says something is

environmentally 15 friendly, is it really true?

3 Experts say possibly not. They say that customers need to be careful when they try to shop in an

environmentally friendly way. Some companies say they offer green products, but they really don’t.

It’s important to consider that what a company says about its products may not always be true.

4 So, what can you do? Here are some suggestions to make sure the products you buy are really


5 • Read carefully.

Read labels and information about the product carefully. What is a product made up of? Are any of

the ingredients dangerous for you or the environment? Don’t forget to check where the materials

come from. If the wood in your new table comes from forests where there are a lot of trees and the

trees grow quickly, that’s one thing. If the trees come from forests that are in danger, that isn’t

good. Additionally, consider how far the product traveled to get to you. How much fuel did it take

for delivery to you or a store?

6 • Watch unclear language.

Companies sometimes use words that are unclear. For example, many products say they are

“natural” or “eco-friendly.” But what does that mean? There are actually some materials that are

natural but unhealthy for us. Also, be careful about pictures. Some companies put pretty pictures of

nature on their products to make customers believe that the product is green, but that might not be


7 • Look for proof.

You can be surer that green labels are real if a company has another organization check it. This is

called outside certification. Outside certification lets you know that someone other than the

company is checking to make sure that what the company says is true. If you want to be a green

shopper, you need to do your homework. Yes, it requires more work and that takes extra time. But,

if you care about the environment, it’s worth it. You can feel more satisfied that you are trying to do

something to help the environment.

Re-read paragraph 2 and give two ways companies benefit from appearing'green'.

Respuesta :


Companies are able to charge more for their products so they are getting more money overall while also being advertised as an "environmentally friendly" company