1. How would the characters change to reflect teens today? 2. What would their hair and clothing look like today? 3. What activities would they value today that weren’t available in the 1960s? 4. What details about the culture (such as movies, movie stars, cars, clothing, etc.) do teens today think are important as op‐ posed to those in the novel? 5. What activities would the char‐ acters participate in today? 6. How would the characters speak and act? 7. Who would be the greasers’ enemies and what would both groups be called today rather than “greasers” and “Socs”? Questions to Answer How might the setting change? 1. Rather than a movie theater, what other outdoor activity might teens be involved in today? 2. Ponyboy and his friends walk most places, but what kind of transportation would poorer teens use today? 3. How has safety in many neighborhoods changed since the 1960s? 4. What aspects of the setting are the same today as they were in the late 60s? 5. How has today’s technology changed the way people live, interact, and get from one place to another? The events of the plot that is, what happens in the first two chapters— should stay pretty much the same. However, below are two issues to address: 1. What is a modern‐day conflict that might exist between two groups of teens? 2. How would the fighting between the two groups differ today—would it be more violent, less violent, or about the same?

Respuesta :

The major differences between the experiences of the past and more modern living today are:

  • There is technology present today.
  • Communication has become faster and instant.
  • Transportation has become more efficient.
  • There is a higher moral decadence today.

What is Modernism?

This refers to the way of living and thinking which shows the changes in society from the 19th and 20th centuries.

Please note that your question is incomplete so I gave you a general overview to help you get a better understanding of the concept.

Read more about modernism here:
