100 points.
What is steganography? Do online research about a tool named Open Stego. Discuss the applications of this tool and explain how it can be used. Then, use Open Stego to encrypt and decrypt messages into pictures. Explain the steps you use to find the hidden messages.

Command line is the user interface in the computer’s operating system and is built into all computers. Do online research and describe how to perform steganography using the command line.

Respuesta :

Steganography is the practice of hiding a secret message inside of (or even on top of) something that is not secret.

The attacker doesn’t need to trick the user into using applications such as Steghide. In this case, the hacker – or pen tester – is “living off the land.” The attacker is using a steganographic application to take advantage of common Windows applications and features such as Excel and PowerShell. All the victim needs to do is read the doc, and an unfortunate series of events begins to occur.

I can't do the Open Stego thingy bc I can't.

Ver imagen Uuummmm
Ver imagen Uuummmm