Respuesta :
Answer: A goal refers to something you want to achieve. These goals could be short term, mid-term and long term. Short term goals are the ones you want to accomplish in less than a year. Mid-term goals refers to the things you want to achieve in three to five years and long term goals refers to things that take 10 years to accomplish.
(Guessing, i could be wrong but i like helping so here your go i guess)
DOs and DON’Ts
DO Organize your response. Look at the question; it has a natural
organizational pattern – a blueprint.
DO Ask your friends and family to help you remember all the details
from which you can select when you write your essay. It is easy
to forget things you have done in the past.
DO Fit your essay into the big picture of your application. If you say
you have always wanted to be a veterinarian, but have no
evidence to show that you have ever been exposed to that
career, your words will be suspect.
DO Show what you are like as a person, but be as selective as
possible. This is not a biography, but a demonstration of the
characteristics that prompted your career choice.
DO Find a controlling idea for your essay. Smooth prose leaves a
good impression. A series of short, curt sentences does not.
DO Find a controlling idea for your essay. Smooth prose leaves a
good impression. A series of short, curt sentences does not.
DO Be positive and upbeat in tone.
DO Show that you know something more about the field you have
chosen than what you have seen on TV or in movies.
DO Take your drafts to the College Writing Center or ask a
guidance counselor for help. Does the essay flow? Is the main
point clear? Do you sound like a real person (preferably an
interesting real person)? Do you have enough detail? Too much
DO Revise the essay and proofread.
DO Show your final draft to friends. Ask them, “Does this sound like
DON’T Just tell a story. You want to explain your career goals in
an interesting way, not entertain with descriptive
DON’T Assume names of people and places give enough
information. Describe your activities and experiences as
they relate to your career goals.
DON’T Write what you think the scholarship committee wants to
hear. The committee members can detect b.s. before
opening the packet.
DON’T Use clichés or generalities. This wastes valuable space and
DON’T Brag. Trust that your good points will shine through
Pretty sure its C although im not sure
C. Max will study for 30 minutes each day this week.