Answer: The most important preparation Ezra made for his journey was securing generous support for his mission from Artaxerxes.
Ezra is written to fit a schematic pattern in which the God of Israel inspires a king of Persia to commission a leader from the Jewish community to carry out a mission; three successive leaders carry out three such missions, the first rebuilding the Temple, the second purifying the Jewish community, and the third.
The king sent him to Jerusalem to teach the laws of God to any who did not know them. Ezra led a large body of exiles back to Jerusalem, where he discovered that Jewish men had been marrying non-Jewish women.
Read Ezra 7:9, looking for what helped Ezra safely make the dangerous four-month-long journey from Shushan to Jerusalem. The phrase “the good hand of his God upon him” in verse 9 means that God was blessing Ezra.
Explanation: You are lying about the score, but I will answer this question because it easy. Next time do not lie please sweetie.