The European Union came about as a result of the devastation of Western Europe during the two world wars and the desire for lasting peace, and the European nations' desire to compete on the world's economic and political stage. The European Union was not formed overnight; through a series of treaties and acts, it progressed from a small community dealing with specific trade issues to an economic union that is an emerging economic and political superpower of the same order as the United States.

Review each of the milestones surrounding regional economic integration in Europe then put them into the correct chronological order.

a. European Coal & Steel Community is formed.

b. Single European Act becomes law

c. Great Britain, Ireland, and Denmark join the EC

d. Bulgaria, Romania, and Croatia join the EU

e. Britain is scheduled to leave the European Union

f. Austria, Finland, and Sweden join the EU

g. The Treaty of Rome

h. The EC becomes the European Union

Respuesta :

The order in which the above happened was:

  • European Coal & Steel Community is formed - 1952.
  • The Treaty of Rome - 1957.
  • Great Britain, Ireland, and Denmark join the EC - 1973.
  • Single European Act becomes law - 1986.
  • Austria, Finland, and Sweden join the EU - 1995.
  • Bulgaria, Romania, and Croatia join the EU - 2007.
  • The EC becomes the European Union - 2009.
  • Britain is scheduled to leave the European Union - 2020.

How has the EU evolved?

Form the formation of the European Coal & Steel Community, there were talks of a common market in Europe and these were given a boost with the Treaty of Rome.

Other nations then joined over time until the EC officially became the EU. The British however, decided to leave the EU and did so in the year 2020.

Find out more on the European Union at