Cross out the two incorrect verb forms in each sentence below. Then write the correct verbs in the spaces provided.

1. My mother work for the local newspaper; she take classified
ads over the phone.

2. Caesar conquer Gaul in 58 B.C.; he then invade Britain.

3. Bart and his sister owns a fast-food restaurant that offer
gourmet takeout.

4. Henry love to go camping until two thieves in the campground
remove his cooler, stove, and sleeping bag from his tent.

5. Last week the supermarket holded a sale on orange juice,
just when I needs some.

6. Although my little girls knows they shouldn't tease the cat, they often dresses up the animal in doll clothes.

7. Whenever my brothers watches Monday Night Football, they
screams at the TV as if they are actually at the game.

8. The large red fire engines gleams in the afternoon sun as they rushes through traffic on the busy boulevard.

9. I show the receipt to the manager to prove that the clerk had accidentally overcharge me.

10. As far as our son am concerned, oatmeal taste like soggy

PLEASE help Cross out the two incorrect verb forms in each sentence below Then write the correct verbs in the spaces provided 1 My mother work for the local new class=