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[tex]\bold{\huge{\underline{ Answer }}}[/tex]
Renewable resources are those resources which are inexhaustible in nature . It means these resourses are present in unlimited quantity and are environment friendly.
Geothermal energy is one of the example of renewable resources.
In geothermal energy, The word ' geo' stands for earth. So ,It basically means the energy that is extracted from the earth.
Here are some uses for the utilisation of renewable geothermal energy.
The geothermal power plant extract the heat from geothermal reservoirs. Then, This extracted heat is transfer to the heat engine .Which are responsible for running the heat engine smoothly and generation of electricity.
The heat that is released from the underground reservoirs are used to reduce green house gases because Geothermal energy needs very less CO2 . This heat is transfer in green house and it results into direct heating of green houses.
There are so many people who wish to enjoy their leisure time peacefully. In winters, People like to visit the areas where hot spots are found .Which is a example of geothermal energy.
The warm water is taken from underground reservoirs and then converted into hear energy. Then this heat energy is transfer in the building by using geothemal pumps helps in generating heat in building in winter. This same process is also follows for cooling of building.
Geothermal energy is also used in industries for cooking, pastuerizing milk etc.