Respuesta :
The Heading. This part informs the reader where the letter was written from. ...
The Salutation or Greeting. It is a courteous way of starting a letter. ...
The Body or The Message. This is the most important part of the letter. ...
The Subscription. The Subscription is used to end the letter. ...
The Signature.
Order: Heading; Address of receiver; Salutation/Greeting; Body of the letter; Conclusion; Signature of the sender
The Heading = This includes the address, line by line, with the last line being the date.
The Greeting/Salutation = The greeting always ends with a comma.
The body = Also known as the main text.
The close = complimentary.
The signature line.
By this time, you probably don't even need my response as this was weeks ago.. hehe! But hope you do well!