
write a essay about how video games don't cause violence in your own words (at least page and a half), make it descriptive please not complex !!​

Respuesta :


      Video games have caused a lot of controversy debating whether or not they're causing violence. I don't think that it's fair to say that video game cause violence in the people who play them because there are many players who live peaceful lives even though they play.

      Yes, it's true that some video games have violence in them but that doesn't mean that they're promoting the people playing to be violent in the real world. Many people use video games as a way to escape and let go of any anger that they may have. This leads to the player getting rid of any violence he may have which will help him avoid violence in the real world.

      There are also very many video games that include no violence at all. These peaceful video games can also be used as an escape for players because it helps put them in a peaceful mood, which will help them go out into the world as calm people.