Respuesta :
Hope this is good also sorry I ran out of time to do the journey back.
Letter 1:
Good Morning President Jefferson,
Lewis and I decided that we needed an aid on our journey so we will be finding someone suitable for the role before our departure.
Signed: Cpt Meriwether Lewis
Letter 2:
Good Afternoon President Jefferson,
We have found a suitable person for the job. A native american woman, Sacagawea will be leading us through the mountains and hills for a sum which we will be giving to her husband.
Signed: Cpt Meriwether Lewis
Letter 3:
May 23rd, 1804
Dear President Jefferson,
We have just reached our first landmark by the name of Tavern Cave. Its a lowly place really just some burn out trees and a cave.
Signed: Cpt Meriwether Lewis
Letter 4:
November 2nd 1804
Dear President Jefferson,
We have reached the first fort this morning called Fort Mandon. Its not that big but we will rest here until the snow clears we rather not die now would we.
Signed: Cpt Meriwether Lewis
Letter 5:
April 7th, 1805
Dear President Jefferson,
We have just departed Fort Mandon after the snow cleared. We are expected to get to Missouri River in a week or so.
Signed: Cpt Meriwether Lewis
Letter 6:
May 14th, 1805
Dear President Jefferson,
We have just reached Missouri River and will be crossing with 40 or so men. Sacagawea has been very helpful so far but her infant is a bit annoying.
Signed: Cpt Meriwether Lewis
Letter 7:
September 25th, 1805
Dear President Jefferson,
We have just reached Nez Perce county and are expecting to stay for a couple of days.
Signed: Cpt Meriwether Lewis
Letter 8:
April 13th, 1806
Dear President Jefferson,
We have just reached out final destination Fort Clatsop and we will be heading back soon. We expect to take different routes to have a better map of this unmarked land. Upon our return we will pay Sacagawea husband and report back you. Ive got to say this have been an experience I was glad to go thru.
SIgned: Cpt Meriwether