Which best explains the organizational strategy used in "Striving for the Gold"?

It explains the causes and effects of asthma.
It tells the life story of Tom Dolan in chronological order.

It compares and contrasts the different lives of athletes with asthma.

It creates an argument that people who have asthma are just as athletic as those who do not.

here's the story:

Source 1: Striving for the Gold
If you're ever sitting in an Italian restaurant and notice a very tall, lean, young man gorging on spaghetti and chicken parmesan, you could be watching an Olympic champion and not even know it. Eating Italian food is one way that swimmer Tom Dolan gears up for a big race—along with making sure his inhaler is full. Tom has a case of asthma that might prevent some people from walking down the street, but he has won two gold medals and has broken a world record.

Tom Dolan started swimming at age five, simply to prove that he could out-swim his older sister. He has always been highly competitive; when he was a child, his dad could always get him to drink an extra glass of milk by filling two glasses and challenging Tom to a race. At the age of eleven, he broke his arm and his mother told him to stop swimming until the cast was off. Instead, Tom covered the cast with a foam casing and kept on swimming.

When Tom was twelve, he was running on the playground and suddenly felt like he could not breathe. He did not tell his parents until it happened a second time. They took him straight to the doctor, who diagnosed him with allergies and asthma. Tom was allergic to dust, mold, and pollen. Worst of all for a swimmer, he was sensitive to chlorine!

Tom's asthma did not stop him from becoming a competitive swimmer in college though, nor did the fact that he was also diagnosed with exercise-induced asthma. This meant that his asthma would get worse as he worked out more intensely. Another doctor said he also had a condition called tracheal stenosis, a narrow windpipe. Due to the tracheal stenosis and asthma, Tom could only take in about 10% as much oxygen as his competitors.

Despite his medical conditions, Tom continued to swim. His best event was the 400–meter Individual Medley (IM), which consists of 100 meters each of four different strokes: butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle. Sometimes Tom blacked out during practice, but never during a race. Even a collapse and subsequent hospitalization in Hawaii during his sophomore year in college did not stop Tom. He had his eye on the Olympics.

The Olympics in Atlanta in 1996 presented Tom with a special challenge. The heat and humidity created sticky, heavy air that made it more difficult than usual for him to breathe. Going into the last 50 meters of the 400–meter IM, Tom was 3/100ths of a second behind his toughest competition, Eric Namesnik, another American swimmer. Tom pushed himself to the limit, beating Eric by 35/100ths of a second and setting a world record for the event. He went on to win his second gold medal in the same event in Sydney in 2000.

Tom believes that he is a great swimmer because of, not in spite of, his medical problems. He feels that his asthma taught him how to overcome adversity. As he says, he feels like he is one step ahead, because "I know that my body has gone through more stress and strain than anyone else in the pool." And, quite possibly, more Italian food.