a. Bipin is sipping a cup of tea.
b. I was sent a letter.
c. The cows are being milked by his father.
d. The tree was hit by James with a stick.
e. The step was jumped off by the man.
f. The work will be finished by 5.00 pm by someone
g. The house was being painted when I arrived.
h. Experiments have been conducted to test the hypothesis.
i. The entrance exam was failed by over one third of the applicants to the school.
j. Your bicycle has been damaged.
k. By then, the soundtrack will have been completely remixed by the sound engineers.
l. In the next issue of the journal results will be published by the researchers.
m. Someone made a promise to him that if we passed the test, he would receive a party.
n. Over two dozen homes were destroyed by a powerful earthquake.
o. The criminal was apprehended by the police.
PASSIVE VOICE The passive is formed by using the appropriate tense of the verb to be and the past participle. When putting a verb into the passive, only verbs that take an object can be used.