To describe historical landmarks of medical microbiology
To describe Koch’s Postulates
To describe the characteristic structures and chemical nature of cellular constituents that distinguish
eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
To describe chemical, structural, and functional components of the bacterial cytoplasmic and outer
membranes, cell wall and surface appendages
To name the general structures, and polymers that make up bacterial cell walls
To explain the differences between gram negative and gram positive cells
To describe the chemical composition, function and serological classification as H antigen of bacterial
flagella and how they differ from flagella of eucaryotic cells
To describe the chemical composition and function of pili
To explain the unique chemical composition of bacterial spores
To list medically relevant bacteria that form spores
To explain the function of spores in terms of chemical and heat resistance
To describe characteristics of different types of membrane transport
To describe the exact cellular location and serological classification as O antigen of Lipopolysaccharide
To explain how the structure of LPS confers antigenic specificity and toxicity
To describe the exact cellular location of Lipid A
To explain the term endotoxin in terms of its chemical composition and location in bacterial cells