Directions: Identify the type of figurative language underlined in each sentence. FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE REVIEW Example:
My mind is a puddle in the street reflecting green.

The faces at the street crossings shine like a row of eggs on a pantry shelf.

He overwhelmed the boxer with an avalanches of punches.

The runner's legs begged for her to stop. Can I have some water before I die of thirst!

Don't cut corners, and finish the job the right way.

Mr. Freeze freely and frostily froze the heroes to below frigid digits.

The night is as cold as a sharp sword.

My head screamed for an aspirin after the loud rock concert.

Children are the most beautiful flowers of all.

Charlie missed the big game because he was feeling under the weather.​

Respuesta :


Take these answers with a grain of salt but im sure some of them are correct lol

#1, mind is a puddle

#2, shine like a row of eggs

#3, an avalanches of punches

#4, Don't Know

#5, Don't cut corners

#6, freely and frostily froze the heroes????

#7, cold as a sharp sword

#8, screamed for an aspirin after the loud rock concert

#9, most beautiful flowers

#10, feeling under the weather.​

Hope this somewhat helped!



A. Metaphor - Comparison of mind to street; no like or as

B. Simile - Comparison to faces with eggs; with like or as

C. Metaphor - Comparing punches to avalanche; no like or as

D. Personification - Gives legs human characteristics or abilities

E. Metaphor/ idiom - A common phrase taken literally has no meaning

F. Alliteration - The F sound reoccurs constantly

G. Simile - Comparison of cold night to sword; with like or as

H. Personification - Gives head human characteristics or abilities

I. Metaphor - Comparison of children to flowers; no like or as

J. Idiom - Common phrase not taken literally
