Respuesta :


Ion channels are specialized proteins in the plasma membrane that provide a passageway through which charged ions can cross the plasma membrane down their electrochemical gradient.


Ion channels are molecular machines that serve as principal integrating and regulatory devices for controlling cellular excitability. Different types of ion channels have been described: channels that respond to mechanical, electrical (voltage-dependent ion channels), or chemical stimuli (ligand-gated ion channels); ion channels that are controlled by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation mechanisms; and ion channels that are dependent on G proteins. Most ion channels are of the voltage-dependent type and consist mainly of sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), and calcium (Ca2+) channels. Drugs can affect ion channel function directly by binding to the channel protein and altering its function or indirectly through G proteins and other intermediates. Lidocaine is a good example of a drug that directly affects voltage-gated Na+ channels by blocking the channel and thus Na+ entry into the cell.

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