Your company is considering updating several electronic devices used in the enterprise network. The third-party service provider that your company approached says that they require access to the enterprise network in order to implement the updates. As the chief information security officer, you are asked to analyze the requirement and submit a report on potential vulnerabilities when giving a third-party access to the network.
Which of the following vulnerabilities should you list as the most likely to affect the enterprise network?
a. Zero day
b. Weakest link
c. Default settings
d. Weak encryption

Respuesta :

The vulnerability that is most likely to affect an enterprise network after an upgrade is called the Weakest Link.

What is the Weakest link?

Because security relies heavily on trust, it is usually considered the weakest link in the security chain.

Because the third-party service provider is a utility provider, we may be quick to open up the network to them which leaves us vulnerable as we have absolutely no control over who is acting on their side and if they have other intentions.

The correct answer, therefore, is B.

See the link below for more about The Weakest Link: