Part I : Plate Tectonics

As the plates separate, collide, and slide past each other what 3 things are either formed or occur?

2. In your own words explain the theory of Plate Tectonics.

3. The plates are broken pieces of lithosphere. What part(s) of the earth make up the lithosphere?

4. The plates “ride” on the asthenosphere. What part(s) of the earth make up the asthenosphere?

5. How many “plates” total are there?

6. What three things happen to plates at the plate boundaries (where two or more plates come together)?

a. _______________________________ at spreading ridges.
b. _______________________________ at convergent margins.
c. _______________________________ at transform faults.

Part II: Plates Move Apart

1. When the magma rises (from the mantle) at the spreading ridges and then cools, what happens to the size of the plates?

2. Where is the Juan de Fuca Ridge located?

3. What happens with the plates at this ridge?

4. According to the map where is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge located?

5. What island has been formed as a result of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and a “hotspot”?

6. What is happening to the Atlantic Ocean as a result of the Mid-Atlantic ridge?

Part III: Plates Come Together

1. What is “built” when two plates converge (or come together)?

2. Name a specific example, in the eastern United States, of two continents colliding together?

3. When one plate descends, (“subducts”, or to put it simply goes beneath another plate) parts of it are recycled into the plate that’s overtop. This area called a ________________________ zone.

4. Where is the Cascade Range located?

5. Two _________________ plates are descending (going under) the _________________ plate.

Part IV: Plates Pass by

1. Describe in your own words what a fault is.

2. Name a specific fault that we have in the western United States? What state is it in?

3. Where do most earthquakes occur?

4. What is your “risk” factor for earthquakes?

Part V: Volcanoes and Hot Spots

1. Where are volcanoes located? (Not a geographic location, but in terms of plates)

2. List three different types of volcanoes

3. In your own words tell me what magma is and what is lava?

4. In your own words tell me what a ‘Hot Spot’ is.

5. What is formed at a hot spot?

6. Give one specific example of a hot spot located in the United States.

7. Describe the formation of the Hawaiian Islands.

Respuesta :

Earthquakes and transform fault boundary are formed or occurs the plates separate, collide, and slide past each other.

Theory of plate tectonics

The theory of plate tectonics states that the solid outer crust of the earth i.e. the lithosphere, is separated into plates that move over the asthenosphere which is the molten upper portion of the mantle.

Make up of Lithosphere

The lithosphere is the rocky outer part of the Earth. It is made up of the brittle crust and the top part of the upper mantle. The lithosphere is the coolest and rigid part of the Earth.

Learn more about plate tectonics here: