Consider how gaming consoles initially relied on joysticks and joypads; as technology advanced design engineers introduced the next generation of gaming controls, which included analog sticks, buttons and switches, touch controls, accelerometers, motion controls, etc. Name at least TWO kinds of gaming experiences that are possible with these new control devices that were not possible on original joysticks. Compare the early generation game controls and those introduced later and then evaluate if the new technologies significantly improved the quality of game play. Demonstrate any improvements in the quality of game play by identifying games that made full use of the new technology.
The Golden Age of Arcade Gaming ended sometime around the mid-nineties. What factors likely influenced game designers away from developing fewer arcade games and directing more time and effort into developing console and PC games? Your answer may focus on technology, market forces, consumer behavior, or cultural factors.
What elements related to the release and success of the NES console do you see in modern console releases? What elements are no longer relevant to modern console gaming?
One cause of the 1983 slump in game and console sales was the explosion of new games being rushed to market. Many of these games were developed using concepts and gameplay found in other games already on the market. Using this ultimately ineffective design strategy, what critical stages of game development did these mass market developers likely ignore?

Respuesta :

the computer is a non bianary species so nothing