Respuesta :
Step-by-step explanation:
If you are without a calculator, there is a trick you can do that could make this easier for you.
Instead of multiplying by 95 right away, instead, try multiplying by 100.
736 x 100 = 73600
With that, subtract by the product of 736 x 5 (which equals 3680)
With this, we can use what we know to say that
736x95 = 736x100 - 736x5; plug in what we got as our products and we're given
736x95 = 73600 - 3680 = 69920
Step-by-step explanation:
Long multiplication means you're doing multiplication by hand. The traditional method, or Standard Algorithm, involves multiplying numbers and lining up results according to place value. These are the steps to do long multiplication by hand:
Arrange the numbers one on top of the other and line up the place values in columns. The number with the most digits is usually placed on top as the multiplicand.
Starting with the ones digit of the bottom number, the multiplier, multiply it by the last digit in the top number
Write the answer below the equals line
If that answer is greater than nine, write the ones place as the answer and carry the tens digit
Proceed right to left. Multiply the ones digit of the bottom number to the next digit to the left in the top number. If you carried a digit, add it to the result and write the answer below the equals line. If you need to carry again, do so.
When you've multiplied the ones digit by every digit in the top number, move to the tens digit in the bottom number.
Multiply as above, but this time write your answers in a new row, shifted one digit place to the left.
When you finish multiplying, draw another answer line below your last row of answer numbers.
Use long addition to add your number columns from right to left, carrying as you normally do for long addition.