Answer: Leonardo Da Vinci
In the history of the humankind there were many different great people around the world who influented and changed our life by thinking different. It is quite hard to decide only one person which I would prefer to meet. If it were possible that person would be Leonardo da Vinci. I will explain my choice in two reasons.
First, Da Vinci is one of the most important and most famous people of the humankind. His works especially his inventions fascinate people until the present time. Therefore his paintings and his inventions are shown in the best and most popular galleries and museums on this planet. For instance the most important painting is the Mona Lisa which you can see in the Louvre in Paris. The smile of a beautiful woman on that artwork still remains a mystery for the scientists and historians. For that reason meeting da Vinci would be a great option to reveal this secret.
I would ask his inspirations for his many amazing painting and inventions and ask his opinions on the current state of today's world. I would also ask Da Vinci to compare the struggles of invention from his time to today. I feel that it would also be important to show Da Vinci today's inventions and modern art. I would ask him his opinions on modern abstract art. The painting that i would bring up would be "Interchange" by Willem de Kooning. Another thing that I would bring up is the ways we took his inventions and innovated. In conclusion, I feel that to meet Leonardo Da Vinci would be an advancement in science as well as an insight into how one of the greatest minds thought