1. change these times to the 24hr clock a) 2:30 b) 1:15
2. change these times to the 12hr clock c) 04:05 d) 15:25

Respuesta :


To change 12hr times to the 24hr clock:

  • if the time is am add a leading zero
  • if the time is pm add 12 hours

To change 24hr times to the 12hr clock:

  • if the time is less than 12:00 then it is am (simply delete the leading zero)
  • if the time is more than 12:00, then it is pm - subtract 12 hours

1. a) 2:30 + 12 = 14:30  OR  02:30  (depending if 2:30 is pm or am)

  b) 1:15 + 12 = 13:15  OR  01:15  (depending if 1:15 is pm or am)

2. c) 04:05 = 4:05 am

   d) 15:25 - 12:00 = 3:25 pm