Passage 1
Barbara Learns a Lesson
BARBARA, a 13-year-old girl
JENNIFER, Barbara's classmate
MELANIE, Barbara's mom
Scene 1: Barbara is playing with her dog in the living room. Melanie, Barbara's mom, enters.
MELANIE: Barbara, we are going to see Grandpa tomorrow. Didn't you want to make a card for him?
BARBARA: No, Mom. I asked Jennifer to do it for me.
MELANIE: She has her own work, too. Since you aren't busy now, you could do it on your own. Also, you are the one visiting Grandpa, and it was your idea to make him a card. So, shouldn't you make the card yourself? Having someone else do your work is not a good idea.
BARBARA: But Mom, Jennifer is good at art. She'll make the card quickly. It doesn't matter who makes the card. I just want it to look pretty.
Scene 2: Barbara is sitting in the classroom. Jennifer enters.
BARBARA: Hey Jenny! Did you bring the card?
JENNIFER: I'm sorry, Barbara. I couldn't make your card. My dad took us for a movie last night, and when we came back, I was too tired to work.
BARBARA: (to herself) I should have listened to Mom and made the card myself.
Passage 2
Packing for the School Trip
Stella was packing her things into a bag when her sister Anne entered the bedroom and stood beside her. Stella and Anne were going on a school trip the next morning, and both were equally excited about it. When Stella finished her packing her bag, she asked Anne if she had finished packing her own things for the school trip.
"No, I'll pack my things after dinner," said Anne.
After dinner, while Stella was going through her checklist, Anne entered the room yawning and asked Stella if she could pack her things as well. Stella was upset that Anne was passing off her own work, but it was bedtime, and Stella did not want to waste her time arguing with Anne. She told Anne she had no idea what clothes she would need for the trip, but Anne said she wanted to travel light and asked her to pack a few basic things. So, Stella packed Anne's bag quickly and went to bed.
The next evening, when the two girls reached their destination, Anne began to look for her toothbrush. She couldn't find it, and Stella told her that she forgot to pack it. Anne realized that she should have packed her bag herself instead of asking Stella to do her work.
How do the text structures of both passages contribute to the meaning of each passage?
Passage 1 is a drama and uses conversation to compare the main character and her friend, while Passage 2 uses a narrative structure to show the similarities between the main character and her sister.
Passage 1 is a drama and uses conversation to show how the main character learned a lesson, while Passage 2 uses a narrative structure to describe a mistake made by the main character.
Passage 1 is a drama and uses conversation to describe the main character's transformation, while Passage 2 uses a narrative structure to describe how the main character influences her sister.
Passage 1 is a drama and uses conversation to show the main character's relationship with her mother, while Passage 2 uses a narrative structure to show the relationship between two sisters.
Please help fast :(